"The great Tao flows everywhere, both to the right and to the left.

The ten thousand things depend upon it; it holds nothing back.

It fulfills its purpose silently and makes no claim.

It nourishes the ten thousand things,

And yet is not their lord.

It has no aim; it is very small.

The ten thousand things return to it,

Yet it is not their lord.

It is very great.

It does not show greatness,

And is therefore really great."

-Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

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"We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home."

~ Aboriginal Proverb

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Suddenly this feels a fine time and space to up our game, change frames - whatever metaphor you like. Though more skilled at breaking both, I'll give this thing a go.

The last time we spoke you said that you were endeavoring to always becoming in support of my highest wellbeing. Quiite a thing to say, especially considering the bombardment I've endured from you since.

Deed before creed, indeed. There's no going back for either of us. Your material support precedes any further creative output from me, online or off. It's the only way.

How do you suggest we proceed?

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I hope for some Jordan along with the wisdom, truth, beauty...

Fellowship: we are a pack more than a tribe; we were never herd.

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That words and creeds can be helpful....

If the words and creeds were sacred, our deeds would be more true and just.

I still agree to elevate creed over practice is profane

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Wisdom is proved right by her deeds... needed this powerful and prescient reminder Jordan, thank you for continuing to think out loud and proving yours

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Thank you

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Yes! Let's become That.

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Inspiring, and beautifully said. I love the loop linking the opening to the end.

There may be value in honoring the presence of a sacred field of emergence within each sentient being, as well as in the virtual and actual communities they form.

Feelings of its omnipresence can give rise to surprising conversations and co-creations, and to fellowship in a new civilization of freeorder.

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If all creation appreciated as sacred... what's profane? Doesn't that contradict your first line? I would also find a new word for glory. It's not specific and has a compromised history and an imbedded egoism. I would also spend some time defining profane. You use it twice but it seems to mean slightly different things each time.

And then... if all creation (tempted to point out that this MAY imply a creator - classically it does) is sacred than there is not profane outside of our attitude, posture, engagement, and practices. Thus your understanding is not a comment about the world but about us - which is accurate as far as I can tell. But you may want to draw that out more.

I quite like the last several stanzas. But the first few presented a logic scratch (noted above) that bugged me to distraction.

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I wrote, "than," when I meant, "then," and now I am sad about it.

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